Sunday, 19 February 2017

Welcome back!

Welcome back!

This half term our writing theme will be 'The Jungle' We will be researching animals from the jungle to write our own reports as well as writing our own animal stories based on 'The Tiger who came to Tea'.  Any support you could give your child on researching the Jungle over the next 5 weeks will be greatly appreciated! Feel free to share any facts you have learnt during Show and Tell on a Friday.

We will also be learning about shape, space and measures during the first 2-3 weeks back at school. Feel free to work with your child exploring different shapes and units of measure that you may have/find/use around the home.  Also, please continue to support your child with their mental maths. By the end of year 2 children will need to know their 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables.

We will continue to listen to all children every week for guided reading. Please continue to listen to your child read every night and ask them questions about the book they're reading to support their comprehension and understanding of the text.

We will be doing P.E. on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon next half term. Please ensure that your child has full P.E. kit in school including; trainers, shorts, joggers, t-shirt and jumpers at all times in case these days need to change.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or questions.

Best wishes,

Miss Groves

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