Friday 9 June 2017

Rehearsing mental maths

Today we have been rehearsing our mental maths strategies. We played a range of games to support our learning. Here are some pictures of what we've been doing today!

You can play these at home too!

We played mental maths twister! We were given questions such as 'Put your foot on a 2 digit number' 'Put your hand on a number in the 3 times table'

We played dominoes. We quickly had to identify unusual representations of numbers!

We created our own 100 number square. Some of the numbers were missing so we had to create our own cards. 

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Optional Year 1 homework

Please see an optional Year 1 piece of homework.  Children in Year 2 will be expected to complete this homework over two weeks. 

This homework is optional for Year 1. 

Focus: Science / Design and Technology
WALT:  Create a habitat for an animal.
Task: Choose an animal you would like to research and using a shoebox /cereal box/ other cardboard create its habitat. You can use paint, tissue paper, natural resources and junk modelling to create your habitat. You may choose a whale or dolphin and create an ocean habitat or you may choose a monkey and create a jungle animal, the choice is yours.

*A habitat for your chosen animal.
*Your shoebox must be decorated with colour.
*Remember to research what your animal’s habitat is to help you create your project.

Saturday 1 April 2017

Our Class Assembly

At the end of term we held our class assembly for our parents and carers to share our learning with them. The children worked very hard to produce some wonderful pieces of written work, art work and topic work to celebrate what they have been learning about at school. 

All of the children were fantastic at remembering their individual parts. Well done for such a brilliant assembly!

Tuesday 14 March 2017

The Tiger who came to tea!

This week we are looking at the story 'The Tiger who Came to Tea.' By the end of the week we will be writing our own story based on a jungle animal. It could be 'The Elephant who Came to Tea'.

Today we read the story and worked in groups of 3 to create a freeze frame of the story. The characters we acted out were the Tiger, Sophie and Sophie's Mummy.

Can you guess who is who in our pictures?

Friday 10 March 2017

World Book Day

We had a wonderful time on World Book Day sharing stories with other children throughout the school, dressing up as our favourite characters and swapping a book with each other. What a brilliant day!


Monday 27 February 2017

African Drumming!

On Friday, as part of our Geography topic on Ghana, we had a djembe drumming lesson with Miss Groves. We learnt different beats and then put all of the different beats together to create a fantastic piece of music!

The Enormous Crocodile

In maths we listened to the story of The Enormous Crocodile.

Year 2 had a problem to solve.

Did you know that Dwarf Crocodiles can grow up to 2 metres long? How else can we measure this length? We used non-standard units of measure to solve this problem (pom poms, spaghetti, pasta and cubes) We had to measure 2m usingour chosen unit.

The tricky bit was, Miss Groves only gave us 1 metre to measure with! That meant that we had to double our answer to find out how long 2m would be in our chosen unit.

Great phonics website! is a great website that has some free interactive games. WE use this website at school and the children love it! Feel free to use it at home to support your child's knowledge of letters and sounds! 

Miss Groves 

Sunday 19 February 2017

Welcome back!

Welcome back!

This half term our writing theme will be 'The Jungle' We will be researching animals from the jungle to write our own reports as well as writing our own animal stories based on 'The Tiger who came to Tea'.  Any support you could give your child on researching the Jungle over the next 5 weeks will be greatly appreciated! Feel free to share any facts you have learnt during Show and Tell on a Friday.

We will also be learning about shape, space and measures during the first 2-3 weeks back at school. Feel free to work with your child exploring different shapes and units of measure that you may have/find/use around the home.  Also, please continue to support your child with their mental maths. By the end of year 2 children will need to know their 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables.

We will continue to listen to all children every week for guided reading. Please continue to listen to your child read every night and ask them questions about the book they're reading to support their comprehension and understanding of the text.

We will be doing P.E. on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon next half term. Please ensure that your child has full P.E. kit in school including; trainers, shorts, joggers, t-shirt and jumpers at all times in case these days need to change.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or questions.

Best wishes,

Miss Groves

Monday 6 February 2017

Position and movement

This week in maths we will be learning all about position and movement. Today we discussed the type of vocabulary we might use if we were to direct a person around the playground.

* forwards/backwards
*straight ahead

Tomorrow we will be programming Beebots to get them from place A to B.

Friday 3 February 2017

Building blocks

Today in maths we were trying to work systematically to solve a problem.

We had 4 different coloured cubes and we were investigating how many different combinations we could find to build them up.

We're still working on the final number!

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Dissecting plants

WALT: Explore plants.

Today we dissected plants. We used scissors and our hands to take apart a plant and explore what they’re like inside.  We noticed that the plants carried a lot of water inside them and that they were squishy on the inside. We used magnifying glasses to look even closer!