Wednesday 28 January 2015

Yesterday was very exciting. We had a visit from our local veterinary nurse. She brought in lots of animals including a dog, a cat, two guinea pigs and a tortoise called Emily. She was 52 years old.
We learnt all about how to care for animals.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Today we made some sandwiches. We followed clear instructions. We used time words and 'bossy' verbs.

Saturday 10 January 2015

African Drumming!

Our new Geography topic is Ghana. On Thursday we used atlases to label our own maps. We labelled the UK, Ghana, the continents and the seas.

We are linking our Geography topic of Ghana with our Music topic of Beat and pulse.

On Thursday and Friday afternoon we experimented with different beats on an African drum. We took it in turns to play a beat and everyone else responded by clapping the beat back to the drummer.

Here are some pictures of us playing the African drum.

Water balloon phonics!

On Friday we used water balloons to support our phonics!

We were learning the sound 'oi'. On the wall outside Miss Groves had drawn a target board and an alien.

We picked up a full water balloon which had a word with the 'oi' sound in it.

We robot talked the word out. Then, we used the word in a sentence. Some of our words didn't make sense because they were nonsense words.

If we decided the word was nonsense we threw the balloon in at the alien. If it was a real word and we could use it in a sentence we threw it at the target board!

Here are some pictures of our water balloon phonics!


On Friday we were learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We discussed the vocabulary that we needed to use to describe the shape and wrote it on our maths working wall.

Then, we investigated different shapes using a carousel of activities. We built bridges and towers using 3D shapes. We used a venn diagram to sort shapes, remembering to use our super maths vocabulary. We sorted 3D shapes on the whiteboard using an interactive game and even created our own irregular shapes using peg boards and elastic bands.

Here are some pictures of our creative learning.

Thursday 8 January 2015

We were inspired by the work of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler to create moving pictures.

We created a background and drew one of our favourite characters from the works of Julia Donaldson. Using a sliding mechanism our characters then moved across the page!
This week we have been exploring number patterns and investigating odd and even numbers.