Friday, 23 October 2015

Building Structures

This morning in maths we were solving a very tricky, sticky problem.

We were asked to build a structure using only spaghetti and marshmallows. Our structure had to be free standing and hold a 3D shape (Hemisphere) for ten seconds without collapsing.

In our groups we discussed our plans before trying out our ideas practically.

Here are some photos of our learning.

Two out of four groups managed to balance a 3D shape on the top of our structure for 10 seconds without it collapsing! Very well done year 1 & 2! 

Of course, for such excellent team work and problem solving, we were treated to a yummy marshmallow after!

Monday, 5 October 2015

Year 1 sports event

Today year 1 competed in a sports event at Hemel Hempstead Sports Centre. We competed against 3 other schools! Here are some of the events we competed in:

*Creating a tower out of speed stacking cups.
*Giant speed stacking.
*Obstacle course.
*Hockey stick control.

We finished the day with exactly 600 points and we won!

Year 1 showed excellent sportsmanship and behaviour today! Well done!

Here are some photos of our morning.